Thursday, 8 June 2017

FROSTBITTEN KITTENS Graphic Novel - Chapter 1 Update #4

Sunny Hayfevery Hails!! \m/

*snots everywhere* Fangs for comib back...uuuuuuuuurgh

As of today, I'm on Page 46/50...!!
I'm so close now that I can't stand it!! :D

I NEED to get this story out of my system and (hopefully) share it
with you gorgeous, frostbitten bastards!!

I still have to go back and (CAREFULLY) add the text, some backgrounds
and of course...*GASP* THE COVER...(which will be full colour!)

...I can't wait to knuckle down on Chapter 2 already; I know that
I wanna make it even crazier in terms of story, panel layout and art style!!
(If anyone read my 6-page Blurgh! Comic in SATANIC MOJO, you know what I mean!)

Don't feel like that's a negative on THIS chapter, though!
I'm incredibly excited to get it finished and OUT THERE!!

As always, thank you SO much for checking back and supporting
Blurgh! The Black Metal Cat and FROSTBITTEN KITTENS!! <3 \m/

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Monday, 8 May 2017

FROSTBITTEN KITTENS Graphic Novel - Chapter 1 Update #3

Springtime Hails, you little buttnugs! <3

Today, I'm currently working on page 32/50 of Chapter 1 of the
FROSTBITTEN KITTENS graphic novel! (Hooraaaaay! \m/)

My last update a month ago I had reached page 26...meaning I've been
a lot slower this month! T_T

(I've had a lot more work, commissions and band practices for 
Deep Throat Trauma this month, to be fair!)

I'm still super excited to finally get this thing DONE, to
share this world and story with others and to hold
a physical, printed copy of the final comic in my hands...

It feels so close, yet so far!! ;_;

I also want to say a massive THANKS to everyone who supports
Blurgh! The Black Metal Cat; be it buying merch, spreading the word
or just enjoying the ferocity of TRVE FELINE BLACK METAL with us! <3 \m/
Here's some progress photos from the last month:

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Saturday, 8 April 2017

FROSTBITTEN KITTENS Graphic Novel - Chapter 1 Update #2

Hails, everyone!
 I've been chugging along this month...

In the last update (posted a month ago today!)
I was up to page 14/50...
As of TODAY, I'm up to 26/50!

We're halfway there, guys! WOOOOOOOO!!
(Ignoring scanning, lettering, cover and printing...*sob* X'D)

Here's some progress peeks of what I've been working on this month;
some of these haven't even been posted on social media.
(Super TRVE rare underground exclusive peek right here, fellas!!)

Thanks for your support, it is TRULY appreciated. <3

~Rach \m/

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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

FROSTBITTEN KITTENS Graphic Novel - Chapter 1 Update

I've spent the last month working on the latest
Blurgh! The Black Metal Cat release;


Ever since I created Blurgh as a character three years ago,
I started to build a world around him and his band.
The Frostbitten Kittens graphic novel will be that story!

Frostbitten Kittens will be my second ever story-based work
after I drew up the first issue of Tales of Malice a couple years ago.

Right now, I'm up to page 14 of 50 (1st chapter).
My current aim is to complete two pages a week minimum.
I'm hoping to have the first chapter completed before July.

That's all I'll say for now, but here's some sneaky 
progress photos of the journey so far...

(As always, thank you for your support!! Stay Frosty!! \m/


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Sunday, 29 January 2017

\m/ Blurgh's Third Birthday!! \m/

Last Thursday has been three whole years since I first drew Blurgh!!

Here's what Blurgh had to say below...

TODAY is my 3rd birthday!!! 
* ~ \m/ =^ಠ_ಠ^= \m/ ~ *
That's right!!
THREE WHOLE YEARS since the doodle-loser first 
scribbled that monstrosity (that was supposed to represent ME...)
What a poser! Yeuck!! =^ಢxಢ^=

Still...I wouldn't be here without her, or ALL OF YOU,
who read my comics, buy merch and share your
brutality and frostbitten permafrostage with me on a regular basis! <3 =^ಠ_ಠ^=

Infernal Hails to each and every one of you...thank you.
Stay frosty!!
<3 =^u_u^= <3

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